Recent Archives
Ricard and Shinzen explore Sasaki Roshi’s early formulation of concentration as linked to expansion-contraction.
Gina Rose and Shinzen review and continue exploring how to become a better communicator in challenging situations.
Stuart and Shinzen engage in a third Word Power session and continue to explore post-retirement life transitions and decision making.
Emily and Shinzen consider applying Word Power skills to analyze a past situation to continuously improve her chaplaincy practice.
Gina and Shinzen model how to sequence periods of role play, practice, and check in.
Ricard and Shinzen explore if one question is one or many questions.
Ricard and Shinzen compare latency in performing music and in mindfulness noting practice.
Eddie and Shinzen explore (1) working with procrastination, and (2) supporting others through building a mindfulness community.
Charlie and Shinzen continue in a second dialogue about Word Power and Charlie’s preschool’s innovative initiatives.
Shinzen and Beorn explore how to identify what is unified vs tangled experience.
Cem and Shinzen explore his awakening experiences and a desire to return and abide there.
Emily and Shinzen explore the possibilities of applying Word Power to work through a recent dialogue around climate emergency.
David and Shinzen discuss focus strategies to apply during his current phase of cancer treatment.
Shinzen and Angel explore integrating classic unpleasant aspects of dissolution.
Patrick and Shinzen engage in a diagram-aided discussion across diversity.